Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Medievel Barcelona

Field Trip

I have been in this area plenty of times. My favorite church, Santa Maria del Mar is in this area. So for me it was very interesting to learn about and see the history of the place that I hang out in. Santa Maria del Mar was a symbol of the middle class that was uprising in Barcelona. It was a place for everyone who was being oppressed to gather and illustrate how they are coming together. It was a physical structure that showed they were a force to be reckoned with. I had no idea there was so much behind the church that I go to mass in. The middle class was so repressed at the time. There were invasions and people trying to take them over from all angles. At one point the city was burned down!

It was the same for the Born area. I wander around the barrio and go window shopping there all the time. I think some of the best food is In that area. We learned all about the tiny streets and how they all used to be specialized. There used to be plaques outside of each store showing what kind of store it was. Also, the storeowners lived on the bottom floor. In terms of living spaces, the higher the floor, the lower the income. It was easier to do laundry and such when you don’t have to climb stairs. I thought this was extremely interesting because today the most expensive apartments are at the top and the cheapest are at the bottom. It is just another way priorities and changed with technology. Overall, I really enjoyed the field trip. I loved hearing how the history of the place affects the cultural attitudes of the Catalans as well as the middle class in general.

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